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March 12 to 15, 2022

Florence - Italy


Facilitator Foundation training in English by Robert Rasmussen

with support in Italian

Pandemic is pushing us to reset, recreate, reimagine our lives, our professions, our entire ecosystems. Never like today we need to play with uncertainty.

Certified LSP Facilitators know how to:

✅ help people find a path in the fog 🧭🗺

✅ build a Real Time strategy by unleashing the "hands knowledge" in people 🧠🖐

✅ transform fear into action, doubt into imagination 👀🤯🥳

Wanna become that path-finder?


From March 12 to 15, 2022




20+ years after the first idea, LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is today a global movement.

Discovering the art, craft and techniques of the LSP Method requires a face-to-face 4 days training. Nothing shorter can prepare deep enough to be able to design and run challenging sessions for your clients.

Doing so with Robert, the Master Trainer and main architect of LSP Method is an experience in itself.

Florence is the perfect location to deserve an extra stay before or after the training.


Day 1 - 08:30 to 17:30

Day 2 - 08:30 to 17:30

Day 3 - 08:30 to 22:00

Day 4 - 08:30 to 17:00

Robert Rasmussen is a master trainer in the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY method and delivers both facilitator training programs as well as end-user workshops through his company Rasmussen Consulting in Europe, United States, Latin America and Asia. Together with Per Kristiansen, he is the author of the book “Building a Better Business with the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY method”.

Robert Rasmussen is the main architect of the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY method. During 1999 - 2001 and with more than 20 iterations he and his team developed the concept into the reproducible and robust methodology it is today. He worked for the LEGO Group from 1988 to 2001 as head of R&D for LEGO Education and was among other head of the educational development team for LEGO MINDSTORMS – the LEGO Company’s most selling product ever. From 2001 to 2004 Robert also managed Executive Discovery Ltd., which was responsible for launching the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY program.

Robert is a native of Denmark and a master’s degree in education. He built his career applying experiences and theories about play, learning, creativity and teaching to organizational development. Over a 15-year period he worked extensively with designers and researchers at Tufts University and the MIT Media Lab in Boston, Massachusetts to develop and apply hands-on learning tools. 

Robert lives with his wife Jette in Kolding, Denmark. Robert Rasmussen has continuously worked with the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY method since its very beginning in 1999.

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